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Berry Picking

These are all berries. In this picture, there are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and currant berries. All of them are good to eat and fun to pick.

Blueberries grow in rows on a big farm like this. There are many blueberry bushes in the rows.

Many blueberry farms let people come and pick their own blueberries.

The blueberries grow in big bunches on the branches, and they are easy to pull off.

People often bring their children to the blueberry farm because they love to pick and eat them.

Strawberries also grow on bushes, but they look a lot different than blueberries. Only the red ones are ready to pick.

Strawberry bushes are a little bit lower, so people have to look down to pick them.

Some people don’t have much patience and eat them right off the vine.

Another type of berry is called the blackberry. These grow on bushes that are very similar to blueberry bushes.

But they are different in that they have thorns. You have to be careful because you could get hurt.

Also, only the black ones are ready. The red blackberries are not ready yet.

A berry that is very similar to the blackberry is the raspberry. Raspberry and blackberry bushes look very similar.

The bushes are the same size, and the branches also have thorns on them.

But they are different because of the color and the shape. There is a hole in the top of raspberries.

Berries are always fun to pick, but they are even better to eat. They are also very healthy!
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