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The Animals that Dig
This person is digging. He is using his shovel to move dirt from the ground.
He is digging a hole in the ground.
Humans are not the only ones to dig. Animals also love to dig.
This dog is digging because it is looking for food.
Squirrels dig holes too, but they dig for a different reason.
After they dig holes, they bury their food under the ground. Then, they have to find it again.
Pigs dig, so they can find food to eat.
This meerkat is digging to find food, too. There is a lot to eat under the ground.
This mole is digging a hole because it is making a home, too. They also find food under the ground.
Rabbits dig holes in the ground to make homes too. They need homes to be safe.
Chipmunks dig holes to hide in from other animals. Other animals are dangerous for chipmunks.
Badgers dig a lot too. They dig to build homes in the ground.
Groundhogs dig holes to sleep in.
They go in the holes and sleep. They sleep under the ground for many months.
They sleep during winter.
After winter, they come out of their holes.
Then, they dig many more holes.
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